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Planning your next camping trip or festival with family or friends? Fulfil all your requirements at The Bell Tent Shop. Order online now and receive free delivery most places across the UK. You can also get in touch with our team in Warwickshire for further queries.

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Questions and Answers

If you are purchasing tent accessories for the first time, or are unfamiliar with our products then the following our information page and FAQs page will help you get a better understanding and make an informed choice based on your requirements.

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Showcasing some of our accessories at the Caravan and Camping Show at the NEC

The above video shows an 8m bell tent, 7 x 6mTouareg tent and a 6m North American Tipi at our stand at the Caravan and Camping show NEC.

8m Ultimate Pro Bell Tent accessories

Check out our video of our huge 8m Ultimate Pro Bell Tents joined together with awnings.  Each tent will sleep up to 15 people and seat around 35 people.

For tent accessories, please go to the www.thebelltentshop.co.uk

  • How Long Will A Bell Tent Last?

    To make the most of your bell tent please adhere to the following if possible:

    Pitch on flat, drained, grassy land.

    Do not pitch under trees as the tree resin, bird droppings, etc. will spoil the canvas.

    Cooking stains, sand and salt will also affect the canvas.

    Always store your tent dry. The smallest amount of damp will ruin your tent if packed away wet or damp

    If you follow these simple steps, your tent should last for at least 10 years.

  • Why Choose a Cotton Tent?

    If you take care of your cotton tent it will have a much longer lifespan than any nylon or polyester tent. The cotton canvas can easily be treated for water, mould and ultraviolet radiation. There are plenty of products available today to keep your tent in tip-top condition for years to come.

    Our cotton bell tents breathe! This keeps the damp and moist air out of the tent when you are inside.

  • Will My Tent Leak?

    When a new tent is put up in the rain for the first time, you may notice a slight leak around the seams. This is normal and please do not worry. Once the tent has been soaked, the canvas weave tightens and the leaks will stop. You may also see light stains appear on your wet tent. This is not a problem and is the proofing settling down.

    Depending on usage rain and ultraviolet radiation will wear down the outer protective layer of your tent so please re-impregnate once this happens.

  • How Do I Store My Tent?

    The cotton must be bone dry before it is stored. Never store away a wet tent. Otherwise, fungus will affect the canvas and cause little black dots that cannot be removed. The canvas has been impregnated with an anti-fungal/waterproof product, but you should re-impregnate your tent on a regular basis if you use it often or pitch it in a harsh environment.

    It is very important to pitch your tent properly and make sure the ground service is flat and free of stones and branches or the uneven forces may pull on the canvas and the groundsheet can be damaged. 

    Solar radiation can affect the waterproof quality of your tent. After 12 to 25 weeks of use, a waterproof/antifungal agent should be applied on a regular basis. This will extend the lifespan of your tent considerably.

  • How Do I Treat My Tent?

    When applying a new coating to your tent, take care to do it correctly.

    • Pitch your tent and make sure it is completely dry
    • Remove all dust and dirt with a soft brush
    • Apply the agent evenly with a soft brush
    • Make sure the cotton is soaked all over the tent
    • Allow your tent to air dry but preferably not in hot sunshine
  • How to Remove Mould Spots From My Tent?

    Always Store Your Tent Away Dry or mildew will form on the canvas after 2 - 3 days.

    People ask me what is the best way to clean the tents and if you look at the internet there are many ideas. 

    At the Bell Tent Shop we do not clean our tents when they have gone past their best.  We sell them on an buy new.

    Getting the tent cleaned professionally is probably the best idea to get mildew and mould spots off your canvas. This will guarentee a clean tent which has been waterproofed and treated for mould and rot. 

    Before attempting to clean your tent please do your research!

  • How Do I Keep Mildew off My Bell Tent?

    Mildew is caused by moisture and will form if your tent is stored away damp. Mould stains will also appear if your canvas tent is no longer waterproof.

    • Never store a damp or wet tent. If you have no other option but to put your tent away wet, then make sure the groundsheet is free of mud and dirt and pitch your tent within two days, allowing it to air dry properly
    • Always store your tent away clean and dry in a well-ventilated space
    • When the tent is not in use make sure it is still ventilated
    • Do not hang your tent up to dry as mould may form in the damp folds
    • Clean and reproof your tent regularly to ensure your tent remains waterproof and enjoys a long lifespan
    • Store your tent in a cotton bag which will allow it to breathe and keep it clean. A plastic bag may impede ventilation
    • Do not store guy ropes and the groundsheet together with your tent. Keep them in a separate bag as mud can penetrate the canvas.
    • Make sure you pitch your tent on flat ground free from branches and stones. This will allow the tent to stand correctly and water will slide easily off the canvas
    • Avoid touching the tent when it is raining
    • Be careful with creams, lotions, suntan oil, etc. Greasy hands may affect the tents’ waterproofness adversely
    • Ventilate the tent well when cooking as condensation may cause mould to appear on the canvas
    • Always wash dishes outside of the tent as washing liquid/soap is a main enemy of the canvas
    • Never clean the groundsheet with water which contains soap. Use a dry piece of cloth and a sponge to clean it
    • Re-impregnate your tent after 12 to 25 weeks of use to protect it against solar radiation and extend its lifespan
    • If your tent is no longer waterproof and/or if black stains have formed on the canvas, you need to dry the tent completely and treat it with specialized products such as Ultramar Shampoo and Ultramar Protector
    • Set the tent up outdoors or in your garage and open the doors and windows to ensure that it is being well ventilated
    • If possible, pitch the tent in the sun because sunlight may help you in your fight against mould and mildew
    • Avoid pitching the tent in your living room as mildew can trigger allergic reactions
    • Do not apply laundry detergent, dish soap, all-purpose cleaners or neat bleach to the canvas as they will damage the canvas treatments. Dirt or mud can be dry-brushed off with a very soft brush

    The washing and reproofing process is simple and similar to hand-washing your car. The steps for washing and reproofing your tent are as follows:

    • Moisten the tent
    • Apply cleaning Shampoo and rub it in with a soft brush. Let the canvas absorb the solution for about 10 minutes and then rinse it using plenty of water. Leave on for longer if necessary
    • Allow the tent to air-dry completely before using your chosen product to re-impregnate the fabric
  • Will My Tent Withstand Windy Conditions?

    Your 4m and 5m bell tent will withstand wind gusts of 30mph winds if PITCHED CORRECTLY. Our bell tents have been tested extensively and are extremely sturdy and aerodynamic. If you have a larger bell tent such as a 6m, 7m or 8m, I suggest taking the tent down once the gusts reach 20mph. The larger the tent, the less stable in high winds.

    It is important to check and adjust the guy ropes regularly, make sure the doors are zipped up secureley, windows zipped closed and make sure the pegs are secure if you plan on leaving your tent standing outside in  windy conditions. If you do not secure your tent regularly, then the central pole may break or go through the roof of the tent. We advise you not to use your 4m & 5m bell tents in harsh weather conditions with wind gusts over 30mph. Larger tents bring in when the gusts get to 20mph.

    Keep you eye on weather reports and store away in extreme weather.

  • What Type of Pegs Do I Need?

    An important question for campers is ‘Where do I pitch my tent’? Pegs are not designed for a particular type of tent, but for different types of soils. 

    In most regular tents, a set of standard pegs of average quality is included. Even though they may be fine if you are going camping in a pasture, you will not be able to drive them into the rocky soils of the Pyrenees. Therefore, always try to find out in advance on what type of soil the tent will be pitched, for it will save you a lot of trouble. 

    Pack different types of pegs (especially if you're going on a hiking tour), and always pack some spare ones. A wooden or rubber mallet usually suffices, but only a steel hammer will get your pegs into rocky grounds. The most suitable pegs per type of soil are:

    Sandy, Loose Soils

    If you are going camping in the dunes, on the beach or on marshy soils, make sure to use wooden pegs. You can buy them in different sizes, from 25 to 50 cm.

    Grass, Forests, Heathlands, Clay

    For 'soft' soils with few pebbles, twigs or tree roots, campers relied on the traditional half-round peg for decades (they are sold with every tent).

    Pebbles, Roots, Hard Soils

    If you come across pebbles, roots or hard clay you will have to use more robust material. Jagged pegs have a lot more grip than half-round pegs.

    Rocky Soils

    Get yourself a good set of Tyrol or Tarzan pegs, which are made out of steel and have reinforced heads.


    Planning to leave your tent outside for a whole season? In that case, the steel T-peg provides the most reliable anchoring. A heavy T-profile holds every tent firmly in place.

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